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SMITH John Thomas a:on john|k:0959 (4)



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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    f SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prins in the British MUseum Ancient topography of London; containing not only views of buildings, which in many instances no longer exist,- and for the most part werG never before published; but some account of places- and customs either unimown, or overlooked by the London historians. pp; (6) + 82. Plates and 1lustrations. {P.M.L.} 4°. London, 1815. With a second,engraved, tit1pa, dated 1810.

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    C-’ A SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the rints in the ritisi Museum. Antiquities of Westminster the Old Palace, St. Stephens Chapel (now the Rouse of Commons>, &c, &c, containing two hundred and forty—six engravings of topographical objects, (Sixty—two s.dditiorzai plates, — Mr. J.T. Smith’s vindication: being an answer to a T.S.Hawkins, concerning Mr. conduct to Mr. H. in relation to the “Antiquities of Westminster”.) 2 vols. in 1. 4°. ndon, 1807[—09]. Hawkins was part_ithor_o the text.

    Card ID: 331

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum. The Streets of London. See supra: An Antiquarian ramble in the streets of London.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    - ‘(-rJ “/‘i I SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prints in the Britist •Museu. Vagabondiana; or, Anecdotes of mendicant wanderers through. the streets of London; with portraits of the most remrkab1e drawn from the life by J.T.Smith. pp. viii. + 52 + 48 plates. fllus— trations. [P.M.L.J 4°, London, 1817. With a secon, engraved, titleage, datç4_8l. Bound with J.T.Smith: Ancient toography of London,I85

    Card ID: 333