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SMITH John Bernard a:d john|k:to (john) (3)
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SMITH, John Bernard
Author: SMITH (John Bernard)
DEPOSITORY SMITH (John Bernard). A Catalogue, bibliographical and synoriyinical, of the species of moths of the lepidopterous superfamily Noctuid, found in Boreal America, etc. Washing ton, 1893. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). United States National Museu.rn. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 44.
Card ID: 273
DEPOgToJjy SMITH (John Bernard). Contributionto’.vards a monograph of the insects of the lepidopterous family Noctuid of Boreal North America. A revision of the Deltoid moths. Washington, 1895. See VJASHINGTON (coLu1BIA). Uni’€ed States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 48.
Card ID: 274
D E pOS1TOft SMITH (John Bernard). Contribution toward a monograph of the insects of the Lepidopterous family NoctuId of temperate North America: revision of the species of the genus Agrotis. Washigtor, 1890. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). United States Natio Ms eurn. Eulletin of the United States National Museum. No. 58.
Card ID: 275