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SMITH James Gerald a:an james|k:0847 (2)
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SMITH, James Gerald
Author: SMITH (James Gerald)
DEPOSITORY SMITH (James Gerald). The De7e1ont of Trust, Companies in the United States. A dissertation presented to... Princeton Univorsity...for the degree of Doctor of P)i1oscpy. Plith a bib1iograpy.J (Arin_Bue4.) pp. xxi. + 613. 8 ?ew York, 1927.
Card ID: 197
SMITH (James Gerald). The New York money marzet. . .Externai and, internal relations. By B.H.Beokhart J.G.Smith and LA.Brovn. (Prepared under the aispioes of the Columbia University Council for Research in the Social Sciences. Edited by B.H.Beckhart.) New York, 1932. See BECKHART (B. H.) Tie ew York money mariet. Vol. 4.
Card ID: 198