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SMITH Henry Lester a:an henry|k:0829 (3)
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SMITH, Henry Lester
SMITH, Henry Lester and LITTELL, Harold
SMITH, Henry Lester and O’DELL, Edgar Alvin
Author: SMITH (Henry Lester)
DEPQ5ItRy SMITH (Henry Lester). Eduetiona1 research, principles and practices. IWith bibliograpbies.] pp. vi + 249. Chrts and tables. 8. 1oocingtcInd., 1944.
Card ID: 66
Author: SMITH (Henry Lester) and LITTELL (Harold)
DEPOSITORY SMITH (Henry Lester) and LITTELL (Harold). The Phi].osoby of human relations, individual and collective: a source book..Material prepared b’ the Bureau of Co-operative Research, Indiana be used as a basis for discussion at the Los Angeles Conference of the !Tational Council of Education. (Bulletin of the School of Educptipr. Indiana Univesj.t. Vol. vii, No. 3.) ii. 36ô. 8. Bloomington (Indiana), 193:
Card ID: 67
Author: SMITH (Henry Lester) and O’DELL (Edgar Alvin)
JQI619 SMITH (Henry Lester) and O’DELL (Edgar Alvin). Bibliography of school surveys and, of references on school surveys. (Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana Univ. Vol. VIII. 1 and. 2.) pp. 212. 60. [Bloominon, md., 1931.:
Card ID: 68