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SMITH Henry a:paul !ermann|k:is (paul) (48)



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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    SMITH (Henry), CS. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Sdeham Society. [Publications.) SCVAN (T.) Microscopical resoa.rches !nto the.. accordance in the structure and irort,h of -aniuials and plants.. Translated fron ths H. Smith. London, JJ347.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    Car3to Shorthand ‘ Collection Reference cr1 I SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clement Danes. The Sermons of maister tienrie Smith, gathered into one volume. Printed according to his corrected copies in his life time. [With two additional sermons: 1The Benefit of contention’, and, ‘The Affinitie of the faithfull’.] pp. 595 [or rather, 591] + (3). 80. F.Kingston for T.Man: London, 1597. With MS. notes in Byrom’s shorthand on the fly—leaf.

    Card ID: 38

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    Canton Shorthan4 Collection - Reference only SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clement Danes. oure sermons preached by master Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore. (1. The Trumpet of the soule. 2. The Sinfull mans search. 3. Manes choyce. 4. Noahs drunkennes, etc. — Two sermons [on Luke XIX.1—9.] The Sinners conversion. The Sinners confession, etc.) ff. (52). 4°. P.Slhortl for C.Burby: London, 1 5 98. The title is surrouiided b a woodcut border. Bound with heSeimons ofthaister Henrie Smith,’ 1597. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 39

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    SMITH (Henry), Minister of St. Clement Danes. [The Sermons of inaister Henrie Smith, gathered into one volume. Printed according to his corrected copies in his life time.) pp. 595, [or rather, 564]. 4 [P.Kingston for T.1ian: London, 1599). The pagination is irregular. Imperfect; wanting the tit1page and 6 leaves from sIg. AL6 leaves from sig. Cc and 1 leaf fom sig. Ee. With one of two metal clasps intact on the binding.

    Card ID: 40

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    arIton Shorthand StI rrb-J Co11ecton i o -) Reference only - SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.C1eent Danes. A Fruitfull sermon vpon part of the 5 chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians....Which sermon being taken by characberie Ci.e.shorthand] is now published for the benefite of the faithfull. pp. ‘i.5. 8°. CW.Hoskins. H.Chettle and I.Danter] for N.Ling. Indon.. 1591.

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    J SOoT El-V arQg SMITH (Henry), Uthister of St.C1eaent Danes. Gods arrow against atheists. pp. (4) + 104. — . _____________________________________ _______________________ Iznrjted by F.KFingsto for ,TLozns pauje Londbn p. 79 is incorrectly numbered 88.

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    - ‘2 (rrJ SMITH (Henry), Minister of’ St.Clement Danes. Three serixtons made by maister Henry Smith: 1. The Benefit of contentation, 2. The Affinitie of the faibhfull, 3. The Lost sheepe is found. [Sermon 3 is an attack on the pretence of Robert to be the prophet Elias and is preceded by: “The Declaration of Henrie Smith to the Lo.Indges how hee found and how he left Rob.Dickons,” and followed by: “Qiestions gathered out his ovine confession by Henrie Smith, which are yet unanswered”. ff. (27). 40• I.Robrts_for.’N.LinR: London, 1599. Bound with The Sermons nr milcter Henrie Smith, 15g9, Imperfect; wanting ti 1st leaf, G4.

    Card ID: 46

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    Canton S!iorthand L_’ f Coilccton L •‘ J Pfere,ce only -vy1 SMITH (Henry), iinister of St. Clent Danes. Twelve sermons preached by maister Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie than heretofore. pp. 109. 40 R.Field for R.Dexter: London, — 159_dr. Bound with ‘The Sern ns of maister Henrie Smith1, 197.

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: SMITH (RoanaeuAlbert, Henry)


    BICKFORD—SMITH (RoanaeuAlbert, Henry). fijITH (R. a. H. B,-)

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: ETP (Henry Smith)


    PRITC!ETP (Henry Smith). A Cornprehersve plan of insurance and annuities for cc,l1ee teachers. t’ew York, 1916. See NTYI YORK. Carneio Fc,undation for the Advancement of!1ehfii C1ie s .J 9.

    Card ID: 441

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    Author: PRTTCHETT (Henry Smith)


    PRTTCHETT (Henry Smith). The Power that makes for peace. ;4snw (Alfred T.) Some neglected aspects of war, etc. Bostos [Mass.], 1907.

    Card ID: 442

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    Author: PRITCJIJTT (Henry Smith)


    PRITCJIJTT (Henry Smith). The Social philosophy of pensions, with a review of existing pension systems for professional groups. New YorkL 1930. See NEW YORK. Carnegie ‘oundation for the A&vanceinent of Teaching. LBuiletin. 25.]

    Card ID: 443