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SMITH George Geoffrey a:smith george|k:0029 (7)
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SMITH, George Geoffrey
STANLEY, Edward George Geoffrey Smith
SPANLY, Edward George Geoffrey Smith
EY, Edward George Geoffrey Smith
Author: SMITH (George Geoffrey)
DEPOSiTORY SMITH (George Geoffrey). Gas turbines and jet propulsion for aircraft... Fourth edition. pp. 246. IiLustratins, jgranis, chats and. 8°. Lndoq, 1947.
Card ID: 511
Author: STANLEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith)
STANLEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith), t4th. Earl of Derby. A Letter to the Right Honourabie Lord Stanley ton his political career]. By the younger brother of a dissatisfied country gentleman. pp. 42. [G.G.J 0 8 . Dublin, 1836.
Card ID: 273
STANLEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith), 14th Ea.rl of Derby. See ASPLEN (1r) Historical sketches of the House of Stanley, and biography of Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby, etc. Preston. [1877].
Card ID: 275
Author: SPANLY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith)
SPANLY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith), 14th. Earl of Derby. See BARRISTER.. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley on the present state of politics, etc. London, 1834.
Card ID: 276
Author: EY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith)
STAhiEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith), 14th arl of erby. See CAMPBELl. (John), Baron Campbell. [Letter to the iight IJon.Lord Stanley.. .on the Law of Church Rates.) The Law of church rates: a letter to the flight Hon.Lord Stanley, etc. London, 137.
Card ID: 277
STLNI1EY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith) 14th Earl of Der15. See HOtER. [Iliad.— English]. The 11ied of loner, rendered into English blank verse by Edward, Earl of Derby, etc. London, 1865.
Card ID: 279
DEPOSTORY STANLEY (Edward George Geoffrey Smith) EarJ ot Derby. ,SAINTSBU1Y (G.E.s.). The Earl of De1by London, 1892.. —...[Another edition.) DE’OSITORY London, 19O6
Card ID: 281