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SMITH George Charles Moore a:john john|k:to (john) (6)
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SMITH, George Charles Moore
Author: SMITH (George Charles Moore)
SMITH (George Charles Moore). A Bibliography of the writings of &.C.Moore Smith. Presented to him on his seventieth birthday.’] pp. 60. Portrait. 0 8 Cambridge, printed for the stibsoribers, 1928.
Card ID: 481
SMITH (George Charles Moore). The Family of Withypou, with special reference to their manor of Christchurch, Ipswich, and some notes on the allied families of Thorne, Harper, Lucar and Devereux. By G.C.1!. Smith, etc. [Walthamstow], 1936. WALTHAMSTOW. Wa.lthamstow Antiquarian Society. IMonographs. No. 35.]
Card ID: 483
YG c8 907 SMITH (George Charles Moore). See CLUB LAW. Club law: a coaedr acted in Glare Hall, Canibridge, about 1599—1600. [By George Ruggle?] Now printed for the first time from a ms. in the library of St. John’s College, with an introduction and notes by G.C.M.Smith. Cambridge, 1907.
Card ID: 492
BACON sOoiry RcRNog ONLY SMITH (George Charles Moore). See SHAKESPEARE (William). [King Henry V.] The Life of Henry the Fifth. Edited r G.C.Moore Smith. London, 1901.
Card ID: 498
SMITH (George Charles Moore) See TPLE (Sir W.), Bart. ITwo or more works.] The Early essays and ronnces of Sir William Tep1e...dited from the original G.C.M. Smith, etc. Oxford, 1930.
Card ID: 500
G rs SMITH (George Charles Moore). See TYLER (Torn). Toni Tyler and his wife...The second impression. [A type—facsimile of the earliest extant edition, 1661, prepared by G.C.l4oore Smith and W.W.Greg.] [Oxford printed, 19101.
Card ID: 501