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SLAY Desmond slay (desmond) (4)



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    Author: SLAY (Desmond)


    hit SLAY (Desmond). See CONQESSES. International Saga Conference. 197]..] Proceedings of the first International Saga Conference, Universitr of Edinbnrgh, 197].. (The central theme of the conference was “The Icelandic sagas and western literary tradition”.) Edited by Peter Forte, Hermann Pa1sson and Desmond Slay. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: SLAY (Desmond)


    )C ‘“ E SLAY (Desmond). The Manuscripts of Hr6lfs saga kraka. IWith a bibliography.) (Bibliotheca Arnamagncana, 2)-,.) pp. (10) + 167. Liagams and table. 8°. enbagen 1960.

    Card ID: 398

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    Author: No Author available


    fE2 tnt CONGRSES. International Saga Conference. [1971.] Proceedings of the first International Saga Conference3 University of Edi.nburgh, 1971. (The central theme of the conference was tIThe Icelandic sagas and western literary trniltionU.) Edited by Peter Frte, Herni-nn Pslsson and Desmond Slay. pp. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 73

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    Author: FOOTE (Peter Godfrey)


    mt FOOTE (Peter Godfrey). See CONGRSS!S. International Sa Conference. £1971.] Proceedings of the first International Saga Conference, University of Edinburgh, 1971. (The central theme of the conference was UThe Ice laniic sagas and western literary traditiont’ .) Edited by Peter Forte, Hermann Pa.lsson and Desmond Slay. London, 1973,

    Card ID: 386