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SKENE James Henry a:an james|k:0847 (3)
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SKENE, Felix James Henry
SKENE, James Henry
Author: SKENE (Felix James Henry)
YDSC Plu SKENE (Felix James Henry). See PLUSCARDEN PRIORY. Liber P1uscrdensis (probably bompiled in the Priory of Pluscarden in the year 1461, by Maurice Buchanan), [The Latin text of Vole. 6-li, with an English translation.J Edited by Felix J.It. Skene. 2 vo].s. Edinburgh, 1877—80.
Card ID: 14
Author: SKENE (James Henry)
2’Ji4 f SKENE (James Henry). The Frontier lands of the Christian and the Turk, comprising travels in the regions of the lower Danube, in 1850 and 1851. By a British resident of twenty years in the East. Second edition. London, 1853. CHRISTIAN.
Card ID: 17
bEPOTQRy SKENE (James Henry). Vlith Lord Stratford in the Crimean War. pp. iv. + 352. [s.R.1 8°. London. 1883.
Card ID: 18