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SINGER Samuel Weller a:john john|k:to (john) (7)
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SINGER, Samuel Weller
Author: SINGER (Samuel Weller)
SINGER (Samuel Weller). Remarks on the glossary to the antent metrical romance of Havelok the Dane [by Sir Frederic iladden], in a letter to Francis D3uce. pp i6. 4°. Londn printed, [1829) Presentati.Qn copy inscribed, by the author. Bound ma volume lettered: Glossary to Havelok. etc.
Card ID: 375
SINGER (Samuel Weller). Remarks on the glossary to the ancient metrical romance of Haveloic the Dane, & )iADDENSi Frederic), Keeper of Manuscripts, Britjsh Museum. Examination of the “Remarcs on the glossary the editor of Havelok [Sir F.Madden]. London.. 1829.
Card ID: 376
SINGER (Samuel Weller). See BIBLE. Psalms. {1ish. — Miel1aneou.s Metrical Versjpn.J The Psalmes of David, translated into divers and sundry kindes of verse... Begun by,..Sir P.Sidney and finished by ...the Countess of Pembroke, his sister, (Edited by S.W.Singer.J [Lndon 1823.
Card ID: 381
SINGER (Samuel Weller). See MARLION (Shakerley). Cupid and Psyche: a legend. [Edited by S.W Singr.] C. Whittinhm: Chiswick,1820.
Card ID: 385
zzs SINGER (Samuel Weller). SELDN (s.) The Table-talk of. John Se].den. With a biographical preface and notes by S.W.Singer. Third editione Londnn, 1860.
Card ID: 388
SINGER (Samuel Weller). See SRAKESPEA.RE (William). [Works.] The Dramatic works of William Shakespeare. The text carefully revised, with notes, by S.W.Singer, London, 1875.
Card ID: 390
zA SINGER (Samuel Weller).. See SPENCE (J.) Anecdotes, observetlons, and characters, of books and men. Collected from the conversation of Mr. Pope... Now first S.YI.Singer. London, 1820.
Card ID: 391