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SINCLAIR John a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (7)
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GOODJJD, John Sinclair Robertson
JOSEPH, John Kenneth Sinclair
SINCLAIR, Right Ho John
WOOD, John Sinclair
Author: SINCLAIR (John)
c • • SINCLAIR (John), Archdeacon of 11idd1esex. Letter to a member of Parliament on national education. pp. 38. 8°. Londqn. and Ednburj, 1842. 2resentatiou copy frcm th author.
Card ID: 211
Author: GOODJJD (John Sinclair Robertson)
GOODJJD (John Sinclair Robertson). Education and social action: ccauiunity service and the curriculum in higher education. f By various authors.] Edited by Sinclair Goodla.d. pp.203. London, 1975. DEPOSITORY
Card ID: 168
Author: JOSEPH (John Kenneth Sinclair)
‘o1ió 3 DLC Sai SAINT JOSEPH (John Kenneth Sinclair). The Uses of air photography: nature and man in a new perspe cti’v-e. [By various authors.] Edited by J.K.S.St.Joseph, etc. pp. 166. Illustrations. obi .tol., London, 1966. New edition, etc. pp. 195. Illus. obi. fol. London, 1977.
Card ID: 270
SAINT JOSEPH (John Kenneth Sinclair). KNOWLES (David) and SAINT JOSEPH (J.K.S.) Monastic sites from the air, etc. Cambr±de, 1952.
Card ID: 271
I f MY4 t) Nor SAINT JOSEPH (John Kenneth Sinclair). See NORMAN (Edward Robert) and SAINT JOSEPH (John Kenneth Sinclair). The Early development of Irish society: the evidence of aerial photography, etc. Cambridge, 1969.
Card ID: 272
Author: SINCLAIR (Right Ho John)
SINCLAIR (Right Ho John), Baron pent1ar. See SINCLAIR (Marjorie), Baroness Pentland. The Right Honourable Tohn Sinclair, Lord Pent1ard, . London, 1928.
Card ID: 219
Author: WOOD (John Sinclair)
WOOD (John Sinclair). Un Aspect du mouement traditionaliste et social dans la 1ittrature française con— temporaine: René Bazin, sa vie et son uvre. [With a bibliography.] pp. 197. 8°. aris, 1934.
Card ID: 504