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SIMSON, Robert
Author: SIMSON (Robert)
( S iCOV4 RjLDc 0LY SIMSON (Robert), M.D. Profssor_pfMathematics 1n the University of Glasgow. Sectionum conicar.uinlibri V. p. viii. + 205. Folded plates. 4°. Einburgh 1755. This copy contains both the cancelled and cacng Dp. vii.Vjjj [Another copy.] L Wanting Plate IX. which has been supplied ih photostat. SF.E NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 157
SIMSON (Robert), M.D., Professor or Menatics intç.. University oVC1asg. Tractatus de logarithmis, etc.- Dc ).ixuitibus cuantitatuni et rationum, fraginenturn, . MASEnES (F.) Scriptores log&rithniici, Vol. 6, pp. 63—110. Lonaon, 1807.
Card ID: 159
t- L)’b SIMSON (Robert), Ji.D. Proeor of Iiathernztics in the Unverit: ofGlasgow. A Treatise concerning poriszue...In v:hich the author hopes that the doctrine of porierns is sufficiently explained, and for the future will be safe from oblivion. Translated from the X,atin by J. Lawson. (Niber 1.) pp. vi. + 34. j’late. [De M.] 0 4 . Canterbury, 1777. No more published. jc [Another opy.J LL.I.J Bound in a volume lettered “Lawson: iathematica1 Tracts.”
Card ID: 160