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SILZ Walter a:an walter|k:an (walter) (3)
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SILZ, Walter
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Author: SILZ (Walter)
XWQ K6 Si’ KLEIS (Bernd Heinrich Wilhe]m you See SILZ (Walter). Heinrich von Kleist’s cc.iception of the trcgic. Göttinen, 1923.
Card ID: 482
CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures. [Continued.) 74. ARENT, afterwards MADJJNG (A.Margaret). The LaxdcEla saga: its structural patterns. 1972. 7. SANHONS (Jeffrey Leonard); Six essays on the Young German novel. 1972. 76. SILZ (Walter). f Appendix.) Studies in the German drama: a festschrift in honor of Walter Silz. Edited by Donald H.Crosby and George C.Schoolfield. 1974. _‘ x 77. TANNHAEUSER. [Middle High German and English.] Tannbduser: poet and legend. With texts and translations of his works. By J.W.Tbomas. 1974. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 91
Author: No Author available
•1.. CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). tTniersity of North -: Caro1ja. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatures. SQDi,c, [From No. 9 onwards the volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] B tip. 9. THOMPSON (Lawrence S.3 Wilhelm Waiblinger in Italy. 1953. - SA— COygf coJaL1O 10. HI (Friedri4 Novalis. 1954. / 11. SILZ (Walter). Realism and reality. [1956’1. See Microfiche Cata1ogu - — 12. MATENKO (“‘‘ ructqig fteck and America. 195L1.. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 72