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SIERRA Gregorlo sierra (gregorlo) (4)
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SIERRA, Gregorlo
SIERRA, Gregorlo and, Maria
ERRA, Gregorlo
No Author available
Author: SIERRA (Gregorlo)
XPT 961 MARI6EZ SIERRA (Gregorlo). [ Letters.] Belaciones amistosas y literarias entre Juan flaran Jimenez y los I4artez Sierra. Estudlo preliminar de R.Gufl6n. (Ediciones de la Torreg publicaciones de la Sala Zenobia - Jt2fl flam de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Serie B, No.2.) pp. 138. 8°. £ San Juan de Puerto Rico, exico printed], 1961.
Card ID: 199
Author: SIERRA (Gregorlo) and (Maria)
81 [ii L:(-lI - MARTINEZ SIERRA (Gregorlo) and (Maria). Take two rn one: a farce in three acts. In an English version b Relen and Rarley Granville—Barker, pp. 39. 8°. Londgi, 1931.
Card ID: 206
Author: ERRA (Gregorlo)
MART1NiZ S!ERRA (Gregorlo). [Two or Mor& Works.) El Reino d Dios. La adultera pGniente. l4avidad. [With a list of Martinez Sierra’s dramatic works.] (Obras Com1s.) pp. 259 + (io). - 8°. Madrid, 1922.
Card ID: 197
Author: No Author available
,It CIl rI BARKER (Helen 1.anchester. Granville—). See MAlTiNEZ SIERRA (Gregorlo) and (Maria). Take two from one: a Varce in three acts. In an English version by Kelen and Flarley Granville-Barker. ndon, 1931.
Card ID: 168