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SIDNEY Sir Philip a:on robert|k:an (robert) (3)



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    Author: SIDNEY (Sir Philip)


    [2 fr SIDNEY (Sir Philip). Valour anatomized in a fancie. § COTTON (jr Robert B.), Barb. Cottoni posthuma, [Continued:) —[Another edition. I London, 1679.

    Card ID: 252

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    Author: No Author available


    i £ BACON SOCIEDW BcFc Qtj.y COTTON (Sir Robert Bruce), Bart. Cottoni posthuma: divers choice pieces of. that renowned antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, knight and baronet, preserved from the in5ury of time, and expos’d to public light, for the benefit of posterity, by J.H.Esq; (James Howell). [Including Valour anatomized in a fancie, by Sir Philip Sidney, and Sir Francis Walsingham’s Inatomizing of honesty, ambition and fortitude.) 2 parts in I vol. Portrait. 8°. Printed by Francis Leach, for Henry Seile: London, 1651. [SEE tTEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: No Author available


    èÀ LJCC-r COTTON Robert Bruce), Bart. C6t Cottoni posthuma: divers choice piec wherein are discussed several important ciuestions concerning the rigItt & power of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, etc. Xnoiuding Valour anatomized in a fancie, by Sir Philip Sidney, and Sir Francis Walsingham’s Anatomizing of honesty, ambition and fortitude. Edited by] (J.Howel). pp. () + 353. 8. M.C[lark] for C.Harper: London, 1679. Imperfect; wanting theprtrait. The title—page is a cancéY and the pagination is irregular. [SEE 1EXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 229