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SIDNEY Sir Philip a:in alexander|k:in (alexander) (4)
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SIDNEY, Sir Philip
GROSART, Alexander Balloch
Author: SIDNEY (Sir Philip)
SIDNEY (Sir Philip). tApendi See J’UDSON (Alexander Corbin). Sidney’s appeartnce: a study in Elizabethan portraiture. Bloomington, 1958.
Card ID: 271
t LL ( ‘J c IS SIDNEY (Sir Philip). (Works.] The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia...[Edited by H.S.., i.e.Hugh Sanford.] Now the sixt time published. tWith additions to the third book signed “S.W.A.” i.e. Sir William Alexander.] (Certajne Sonets. The Defence of Poesie. Astrophel and Stella. The May ladie.) pp. (6) + 588. [D.-LJ] fol. Imprinted by H..L[ownes). for M.Lowñés: London, 1623. The additions by Sir William A1exaner are contained in 2 sheets. siuedg’ and%., which are inserted at the appropriate place, between Eel ad Ee2. Unhik inder of the work, these leaves have no gination, running title or catchwords. ayes ‘13 and Vu, are damaged, affeti
Card ID: 204
Author: ALEXANDER (William)
ALEXANDER (William), Earl of Stirling. C For editions of”1he Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia” containing the additions to the third book of Sir Willian Alexander:] See SIDNEY (! Philip).
Card ID: 468
Author: GROSART (Alexander Balloch)
&) & GROSART (Alexander Balloch). * See SIDNEY... Philip). The Complete poems of Sir ?hilip Sidney, £oz.. the first time collected an& collated with the original and early editions and MSS...Edited, with essay on the life and writings and notea..and. illustrations by A.B. Grosart., . - jgacq, printed for private dirculation, 1873.
Card ID: 326