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SIDDONS Arthur Warry a:an arthur|k:0335 (3)
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SIDDONS, Arthur Warry
GODFREY, Charles Woide and SIDDONS, Arthur Warry
SIDDONS, Arthur Warry and HUGHES, Reginald Thomas
Author: SIDDONS (Arthur Warry)
DEPOSITORy SIDDONS (Arthur Warry). GODFREY (Charles w.) and SIDL)ONS (A.W.) The. Teaching of elementary mathematics. (Second edition, reprinted.) Qambridg, 1948.
Card ID: 88
Author: GODFREY (Charles Woide) and SIDDONS (Arthur Warry)
DEPOSITORY ‘ GODFREY (Charles Woide) and SIDDONS (Arthur Warry). Solid geometry. pp. vii. + 1o8. Illustrations and diagrams. 8°. nbridge, 1942.
Card ID: 325
Author: SIDDONS (Arthur Warry) and HUGHES (Reginald Thomas)
DEPOSITo7y SIDDONS (Arthur Warry) and HUGHES (Reginald Thomas). Trigonometry...Part8 1—111. pp. viii. + 320. 80. Oambrid, 1928.
Card ID: 89