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SHORT Ernest Henry at (ernest) (9)
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SHORT, Ernest Henry
SHORT, Ernest Henry and RICKErT, Arthur Compton-
POOLEY, Sir Ernest Henry
PAYNE, Ernest Alexander
No Author available
Author: SHORT (Ernest Henry)
SHORT (Ernest Henry). Sixty years of theatre. pp. +O2. Portraits, tlates and illustrations. 8°. London, 1951.
Card ID: 233
rNP SHORT (Ernest Henry). Railways and the state: facts and factors of nation aljsation. pp. iv. + 84. Mg. charts and taUes. 8°. Løridon, 1946.
Card ID: 232
Author: SHORT (Ernest Henry) and RICKErT (Arthur Compton-)
YX3eQ Sho SHORT (Ernest Henry) and RICKErT (Arthur Compton-). Ring up the curtain: being a j*geant of English entertainment covering half a century. pp.319. Plates. London, 1938.
Card ID: 235
Author: POOLEY (Sir Ernest Henry)
Pot, POOLEY (Sir Ernest Henry) Bart. The Guilds of the City of London...Iith... plates.. . and.. . illustrations, etc. [With a short bibliography.J (Britain Pictures; the Thritish People in Pictures.) pp. L7 + (1 0 B . LofldQfl 19L.5.
Card ID: 8
Author: PAYNE (Ernest Alexander)
bc PAYNE (Ernest Alexander). Henry Wheeler Robinson: scholar, teacher, principal. A memoir. • .With. . .UiLpUblished lectures by Dr. Wheeler Robinson. [With a short bibliography.] pp. 212. Ptr jid_ plat. 8° London, 1946.
Card ID: 381
Author: No Author available
e.. SHORT (Ernest Henry). Theatrical cavalcade1 pp. vi. + 224. 8. london, 1942. LAnother copy.] antin the plates.
Card ID: 234
YX3e q Sho RIClrr (Arthur Compton-). See SHORT (Ernest Henry) an RICKT (Arthur Compton-). Ping up the curtain: being a pageant of English entertainment covering half a century. LOndOn, 1938.
Card ID: 394
‘u’) t’c ,4:c %c.J BLACKIE (Ernest Morell), successively Bisho of Grantharn and of Grimsb ROBERTS (Henry), e_to the Court of James I. A ‘ost friendly farewell to Sir Francis Drake...Transcribed with a short introduction by . M. Blackie. Cambrie [Mass.], 1924.
Card ID: 384
* C.’(L, FO— L*,-C_L - - SHORT (Ernest Henry). The Painter in histor . .Wlth. . . illuatrations [and a bib1iogravfty. pp. xii. + L1.69 + (1). 0 8 . London, 1929. LAnother edition.] pp. xii, + 452 + (2) + 102 plates. ont.piee. 0 - 8 . oiiapn, .L94.
Card ID: 231