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SHORE Thomas William it (william) (3)
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SHORE, Thomas William
SHOB, Thomas William
COLLIER, John Payne
Author: SHORE (Thomas William)
DEPOSITO LiY SHORE (Thomas William), f.P. Elementary practical biology. Vegetable. pp.. viii. + 1.3. 8. LoncIon 1887.
Card ID: 196
Author: SHOB (Thomas William)
4- SHOB (Thomas William), 14D. see STORE (Thomas William), of Sàutharnpton. Origin of the Anglo—Saxon race: a study of the settlement of ng1and and the tribal origin of the Old english people...Edited by...T. W. Shore and L. E. Shore. -‘-. b-’. ndon, 1906.
Card ID: 197
Author: COLLIER (John Payne)
O ICoc’ COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of old English literature, etc. LContinued. J ‘101. 2. Pancharis, by Hugh Holland, 1603; Horestes, an Interlude, by John Pikeryng, 1567; The Preservation of’ Henry VII, 1599; Reformation of rebellion, 1598, and Shore’s wife, 1593; Seven Deadly Sins of London, by Thomas Dekker, 1606; Loves Court of Conscience, by Humfrey Crouch, 1637; William Longbeard, by Thomas Lodge, 1593; The Triumph of Truth, by Thomas Proctor, 1585. Ls NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 18