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SHIRLEY William a:if john|k:in (john) (4)
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SHIRLEY, William
SHIRLEY, William Wayne
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Author: SHIRLEY (William)
Malcolm Morley Collection SHIRLEY (William), utist. Edward the Black Prince, or, the Battle of Poletiera: an historical tragedy in five acts. [1877?) DICKS (John). Dicka’ Standard Plays, 116.
Card ID: 78
Author: SHIRLEY (William Wayne)
OPOSITORY] SHIRLEY (William Wayne). See MARSHALL (John David). Books, libraries, librarians: contributions to library literature. Selected by J.D. Marshall, W. Shirley, L. Shores. Hamden, 1955.
Card ID: 80
Author: No Author available
016.82 [Elizabethan) Mx. North MASSINGER (Philip). See- ELIZSETRJK BThLIOGRAPHIES. Elizabethan bibliographies. w Supplements. (3. Franzds 3eaumont, John fletcher, PhilIp Massingor, 1937-1965. John Ford, 19140 1965. James Shirley, 191i5-1965. Compiled by C.A. Permel and William P. Williams. 8°. London, 1968.
Card ID: 584
L f’L .t j.J() — - : L 4 1 1. S ri’ •“ •• ?-•:- BEAUMONT (praneis) and FLETCHER (John), Drazatiat. [Works.] Comedies and tragedies...Nver printed betore, and now published by the authours originall copies. pp. (52) + 75 + 1L.3 + 165 + (3) + 71 + 172 + 92 + 50 + L8. Portrait. [D.-L.L.] Lol. For H. Robinson and for H. Moseley: LoncToñ1617. This edition, seid to have been edited by James Shirley, is the first collected edition of the works of Beaumont and Fletcher. trheortrajtof Pletcher, engaved by William darsha1l, is in the second state and has been repired. The pagination [SEE NEXT cARD.]
Card ID: 226