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SHERLOCK Thomas a:i p|k:p (will) (7)



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    Author: SHERLOCK (Thomas)


    SHERLOCK (Thomas), successively Bishop of Bangor, of Salisbury and of London. The Country parson’s plea. against the Quakers Bill for tythes, 2• [By Thomas Sherlock.] ENGLAND. Parliament. Bills. Chronological Series. [1736. March 17.] A Bill to enlarge and render more effectual the laws...for the...recovery of tythes, . —Papers relating to the Quaterst Tythe i1l...3., London, 1736. —(Fourth edition.) V., etc. London, 1736.

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: SHERLOCK (Thomas)


    :1 P r 10 It%jL SHERLOCK (Thomas), successively Bishop of Bangor, ‘of Salisbuy and of London. A Letter to the Reverend Dr.Sherlock, oIof the Committee of Convocation appointed to draw up a representation concerning the Bishop of Bangor’s Preservative and sermon, comparing the dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the Doctor’s sermon, preach’d November 5t!i, 171 with those charged upon the Bishop in the late report of the Committee. [Subscribed: A.V. i.e. Arthur Ashley Sykes.] (The second edition. London, 1717. See V., A.

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: SHERLOCK (Thomas)


    SHERLOCK (Thomas), successively Bishop of Bangor, of Salisbuy and of London. A Sermon [on Prov.xxiv.21] preach’d before the Queen at St.JarneS’S, on Munday January 31, 17O., beiTig the anniversary of the martyrdom of King Charles I. pp. 26. 40 London, 17O4 Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Vol. 4.

    Card ID: 198

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    Author: SHERLOCK (Thomas)


    2(-c27 O SHERLOCK (Thomas), successively Bishop of Bangor, of Sa1isb and of London. The Tryal of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. [In ansver to T.Woolston’s objections, in his sixth Discourse, By T.Sherlock.) The twelfth edition. London, 1748. JESUS CHRIST.

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: SHERLOCK (Thomas)


    SF 3’i’ SHERLOCK (Thomas), successively Bishop of Bangor, of Salisbury and of London. The Trial of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. (By T.Sherlock, Bishop of London.] LB. Not only Mr. ?oolston’s objections in his sixth disooure on Our Saviour’s miraoles, but those also which he and others have published in other books are here considered, etc. [London], 1746. JESUS CIST.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: EELER (Thomas Sherlock)


    DEPOStTORY WhEELER (Thomas Sherlock). BOEN (Max). The Constitution of iuatter...Translated by E.LBlair and T.s.Wneeler, London, 1923.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: WREELEE (Thomas Sherlock) and PARTINGTON (James Riddick)


    WREELEE (Thomas Sherlock) and PARTINGTON (James Riddick) The Life and work of William thggins, chemists 1763—1825. Including Lfacsimile) reprints of A Comparative view of the phibgistic and antiphiogistic theoriese and ‘Observations on the atomic theory and electrical phenomena by William Higgins. pp. viii. + 173 + xiv. + 316 + 180. Facsimile. 8°. Oxford, 1960.

    Card ID: 453