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SHERLEY Sir Thomas a:on robert|k:an (robert) (8)



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    Author: SHERLEY (Sir Robert)


    SHERLEY (Sir Robert). LONDON. (III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, .] Roxburghe Club. [Publications.] 66. The Sherley brothers: an historical memoir of the lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley, and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights. By one of the same house (E.P.Shirley). Chiswick, 1848.

    Card ID: 177

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    Author: SHERLEY (sir Robert)


    SHERLEY (Sir Robert). See SHERLEY (Sir Anthony). The Three brothers; or, The travels and adventures of Sir Anthony, Six’ Robert, & Sir Thomas Sherley in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 1825.

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: SHERLEY (Sir Thomas)


    SHERLEY (Sir Thomas). SHERLEY (.i.! Anthony). The Three brothers; or, The travels and adventures of Sir Anthony, Sir Robert, & Sir Thomas Sherley in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 1825.

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: SHERLEY (ir Anthony)


    SHERLEY (ir Anthony). See LONDON. [III. !sce11ançous Institutions, Societies, etc.j Roxburghe Club. (Publications.] 66. The Sherley brothers: an historical wemoir of the lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley, and Sir Robert Sher].ey, Knights. By one of the same house (E.P. Shirley). Chiswick, 1848.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: ERLEY (Sir Thomas)


    5:-1ERLEY (Sir Thomas). LONDON. (III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Roxburghe Club. [Publications.] 66. The heriey brothers: an historical memoir of the lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley, and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights. ?y one of the same house (E.P.Shirley). Chiswick, 1348.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: No Author available


    PL- LONDON. Boxburghe Club. [Publications.] 66. The Sherley brothers: an historical memoir of the lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley, and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights. By one of the same house (E.p.shirley). pp. viii. -i- 110. 40• Ch4swick, i848.

    Card ID: 591

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    Author: SHIRLEY (Evelyn Philip)


    SHIRLEY (Evelyn Philip). The Sherley brothers: an historical memoir of the lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthcny Sherley, and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights. By one of the same house (E.p.Shirley). Chiswick, 1848. E& LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Roxburghe Club. [Publications.] No. 66

    Card ID: 8

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    Author: No Author available


    (r.-L.L. SHERLEY (Sir Robert), See HERBERT (Sir Thomas), Bart. A Relation of some yearee trauaile.., Together with the proceedings and death of the three late anibassadours, Sir D.C., Sir R.S. [i.e. Sir R. Sherley] and the Persian Nogdi—3eg, etc. London) l63L..

    Card ID: 176