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SHEPHERD, Richard Herne
Author: SHEPHERD (Richard Herne)
SHEPHERD (Richard Herne), Misce1laeoyt. The Bibliography of Coleridge: a bibliographical li5t, arranged in chronological order, of the published and privately— printed writings in verse and çrose of S.T.Coieridge. . .Revised, corrected and enlarged by W.F.Prideaux. pp. x. + (2) ÷ 95. 0 S . London, 1900.
Card ID: 481
SHEPHERD (Richard Herne), Niscellaneoua Writer. Tennysoniana. Notes bibliographica]. and critical on early poems of Alfred C.Tennyson; opinions of contemporary writers, etc. 0 8 • London, i86. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 0 8 . London, 1879. See S., R.H.
Card ID: 487
(c’itj rJ SHEPHERD (Richard Herne), Miscellaneous Writer. CHAP!tAN (George), the Poet. [Collections.] The Comedies and tragedies of George Chapman, now first collected, with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author [by R.H.bhepherd]. London, 1873.
Card ID: 489
SHEPHERD (Richard Herne), Mlsceilane Writer. MOORE (Thomas), the Poet. Prose and verse, humorous, satirical, and sentmenta1 by Thomas Moore... With notes end introduction by R.ff.Shepherd. London, 1878.
Card ID: 496