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SHELLEY Percy Bysshe a:c 3 |k:c(c) (72)



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    Author: SHELLEY (Charles Percy Bysshe)


    DEPOSITORY SHELLEY (Charles Percy Bysshe). Workshop appliances, including descripUions of the gauging and measuring instruments...Fourth edition. (Text—books of_Science.) pp. ix, + 312. Illustrations, diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1877.

    Card ID: 4

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order:—] Works, Poetical Work5. Minor Collections. Prose Works. Letters. Separate Works. .JKiscellaneous. Selections. Works translated, annotated, etc., by Shelley. Concordances. ‘Appendix.

    Card ID: 54

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    TFL!NG LIERARY r ERECE O!LY SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Poetical Works.] The Poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. COLERIDGE (Samuel T.) [Complete Poetical Wor1 The Poetical works of Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. Complete in one volume. Paris, 1829.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Poetical Works. I The Poetical works of Percy Eysshe Shelley given from his. own editions and. other authentic sources, coilated with many manuscripts, and with all editions of authority, together with his prefaces and notes his poetical translations and fragments and an appendix of juvenilia. Edited by EI.B.Forman. 2 vols. Portrait and frontispiece. 8°. London, 1882.

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    -, ••, L? SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Poetical woFks.) The Poetical works of P.B. She1ley, from the original editions. Edited, prefaced &nd annotated by R.J1. Shepherd. 3 vols. 0 8 . London, 1888.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). IPoetical works.] The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, edited, with notes, by C.D.Locock. With an introduction by A.Ciutton-Brock, etc. 2 vols. Portrait and plate. 8°. London, 1911.

    Card ID: 68

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    3YM S535C Reference only 972 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Poetical Works. J The Complete poetical works.. Edited by Neville Rogers. Vol. 1, etc. Facsini.5. Oxford, 1972, etc. In progress. 1. 1802-1813. 197. 2. 1814—181?. 1975. 3 Dl [Another copy.) 3535C 972

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    (Yix)/c- L SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [lAinor Collections.) The Lyrical poems and translations of Percy Bysahe Shelley arranged in chronological order. With a preface by C.E. Herford. pp. xxvi. + 480. 4°. London, 1918.

    Card ID: 72

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Minor Collections. ] Poems published in 1820. See infra: LPrometheus Unbound.]

    Card ID: 76

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). 1kinor Collectionsi. Shelley in Italy: an anthology selected, with an introduction, by J.Lehmann. (The Chiltern Lib, 2.) pp. 294. -- 8°. [Londonj, 1947.

    Card ID: 77

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). [Letters.] Select letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited, with an introduction, by R. Garnett. pp. xix. + 255. Frontispiece. 8°. London, 1882.

    Card ID: 84

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)


    6”) 1ic SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). tLetters.J Shelley’s lost letters to Harriet. Edited with an introduction, by L. Hotson. pp. 9. 8 . London, .193O. (.L]-rrt,-- cJ [Another copy.3 S.L.C.,. 1.778.

    Card ID: 86