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SHELLEY Percy Bys she a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (3)



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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bys she)


    ypi S SR) SHELLEY (Percy Bys she). [Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson.] Posthumous fragments of Margaret Nicholson: being poems found amongst the papers of that noted female who attempted the life of the King in 1786. Edited by John Fitzvictor. [Or rather, written by P.B.Shelley and T.J.Hogg. A reprint of the first edition of i8w.] [London, . i87o. See NICHOLSON (Margaret), Domestic.

    Card ID: 136

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bys she)


    i’) r SHELLEY (Percy Bys she). [Appendix.] The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley as comprised in ‘The Life of Shelley by T.J.Hogg, ‘The Recollections of Shelley and Byron’ by E.J.Trelawney, ‘Memoirs of Shelley’ by T.L.Peacock. WiLh a introduction by H.Wolfe. Fully illustrated with...pen and ink drawings by G,E.Chwnbers and.. .phot.ogravure portraits and views. 2 vols. 8’. London, 1933.

    Card ID: 193

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    Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bys she)


    i5 SHELLEY (Percy Bys she). [Appendix.] JAMES (David C.) Byron and Shelley. [Nottjngham 19511.

    Card ID: 244