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SHELLEY Charles Percy Bysshe in (charles) (4)
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SHELLEY, Charles Percy Bysshe
SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe
HERFORD, Charles Harold
JLES, Alfred Henry
Author: SHELLEY (Charles Percy Bysshe)
DEPOSITORY SHELLEY (Charles Percy Bysshe). Workshop appliances, including descripUions of the gauging and measuring instruments...Fourth edition. (Text—books of_Science.) pp. ix, + 312. Illustrations, diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1877.
Card ID: 4
Author: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe)
‘y(\ I 4 p ,: SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). LAppend.ixeJ See TAYLOR (Charles H.) The Early collected editions of Shelley’s poems: a study in the history azd transmission of the printed text. New Haven, 1958.
Card ID: 304
Author: HERFORD (Charles Harold)
HERFORD (Charles Harold). See SHELLEY (Percy B.) j)tinor Collections.] The Dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley arranged in chronological order. With a preface by C.H. Herford. London, 1922.
Card ID: 183
Author: JLES (Alfred Henry)
‘‘ JLES (Alfred Henry) The Poets and the poetry ot the century. Edited by A, H. Miles. 10 vols. 8°. J,ppdpn, [1891—97]. 1. George Crabbe to SamuelTaylor Coleridge. 2. Robert Southey to Percy Bysshe Shelley. 3. John Keats to Edward, Lord Lytton. 4. Frederick Tennysozz ft Arthur Hugh Clough. 5. Charles Kingsley to James Thomson. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 58