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Author: SHEFFIELD (John)
SHEFFIELD (John), Duke of Buekinpharn and 74. Normanby. The Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Muigrave, Marquis of I!ormanby and Duke of Buckingham. The third edition, corrected. 2 vols. Folded plate. 8°. London, 1740.
Card ID: 650
SHEFFIELD (John), Duke of Buokinghanv and Nornanby. The Poetical works of John Sheffield Duke of Buckinghamshire...To which is prefixed the life of the author. See kNDSOU CR.) M.D. A Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. Vol. VII. London, 1792-1807.
Card ID: 651
SHEFFIELD (John), ke of Buckinhar nd Nornanby, The Poetic1 works...To which isrefixed. the ife or the author, etc. (Cooke’s Edition.) p. i. Plate. 12°.Iondon, (1800). d
Card ID: 652
SHEFFIELD (John), Duke o BuIcjnzham. and. Nornianby. ]iections.) Five love songs. 8 leaves. 8 imingham, privately printed, 1926. cji of 100 cop -i•
Card ID: 654
SHEFFIELD (John), Puke of Buokig and Norrnanby [Selections.] Miscellanea from the works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby and Duke of Buckingham. pp. 120 ÷ (2) 8°. [Halifax printed], 193. No. 8 of 2O coDies r1.nted.
Card ID: 655
YBH SHEFFIELD (John), Duke of Buckingham and Normanby. Select poems. See PARK (Thomas), F.a.A. The Works of the British poets, . Vol. .49. kondon, 1815.
Card ID: 656