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SHAW Peter a:p will|k:p (will) (5)



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    Author: SHAW (Peter)


    (7 04 L ‘j SHAW (Peter). Chemical lectures publickly read at London in the years 1731 and 1732 and since at Scarborough in 1733, for the improvement of arts, trades and natural philosophy. pp. xxiv.÷439 +(9). 8. London, [1734].

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: SHAW (Peter)


    SHAW (Peter). BACON (F.), count St. AThars. [Works.] The Philosophical works of Francis Bacon. • .tnethodized, and made English, from the originals. With occasional notes, to explain what is obscure, and shew how far the several plans of the author, for the advanceient of all the parts of knov!ledge, have been executed to the present time. By P.Shaw. London, 1755. The second edition. 1737.

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: SHAW (Peter)


    SHAW (Peter). , BACON (F.), Viscount St. Albans. [Letters.] Select letters of Francis Bacon...With notes, critical and explanatory by P. Shaw. London, i803.

    Card ID: 324

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    Author: SHAW (Peter)


    SHAW (Peter). BACON (F.), Viscount St. Albans. [De Augmentis Scientiarum. — English.} De augmentis scientiarum. . .Translated froti the Latin, by P.Shaw, with notes, critical and ecplanatory. London, 1803.

    Card ID: 325

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    Author: SHAW (Peter)


    SHAW (Peter). BACON (F.), scount t. Albans. [Novuin Organurn. — lish.] Novuni organum scientiarum... Translated from the Latin by P.Shaw, with notes, critical and explanatory. London, 1802. - -- Jones t5 edition. 1ondon, 1818.

    Card ID: 326