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SHAW George Bernard a:l e|k:e (or) (65)



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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    2 SHAW (George Bernard). ap The Works of Bernard Shaw. JCONTINUED.] 7. Plays pleasrnit and unpleasant. 1. Unpleasant plays — Widower’s Houses. The Philanderer. Mrs. Warren’s profession. 8. Plays pleasant and unpleasant. 2. Pleasant plays Arms and the man. Candida. The M of destiny. You never can tell. 9. Three plays for puritans: The Devil’s disciple. Caesar and Cleopatra. Captain Brassbound’s conversion. 10. Man and superman. 11. John Bull’s other island. How he lied to.. her husband. Major Barbara. 12. The Doctor’s dilemma. Gettingmarried. The Shewing—up of BlancoPosnet. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 60

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). . The Works of Bernard Shaw. [CONTINUED.1 13. Misalliance. The Dark lady of the sonnets. Fanny’s first play. 14. .Androcles and the lion. Overruled. Pygmalion. 15. Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War. 1 6. Back to Methuselah. 17. Saint Joan. The Apple cart. 15. Translations and tomfooleries. 19. Major Critical essays: the Quintessence of Ibsenism, the Perfect Wagnerite, the Sanity of Art. 20. The Intelligent woman’s guide to socialism and capitalism. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 61

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    L$L3t1_ — LIi1G LI8RARY FEICE ONLY SHAW (George Bernard). tSiler Collections.] John Bull’s other island and Major Barbara: also How he lied to her husband. pp. lxi. +293. 8°. London, 1907. S.L.C., II. 517. —[Another issue.] pp.lxi. ÷ 293. 8° Author for the Tirns Book Club: [London,] 1907.

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    Yo - - SF SHAW (George Bernard). -[Let94.] Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell: their correspondence. Edited by A. Dent. pp. 359. 8°. London, 1952.

    Card ID: 73

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). Letters.] Advice to a young critic: letters 1894— 1928 (to Reginald Golding Bright. Edited by E. J. westJ. pp. 139. Portrait. 8°. Tor,d_2fl, 1956.

    Card ID: 74

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    yo S6 Z SHAW (George Bernard). [Letters.) Bernard Shaw’s letters to Granvi].le Barker, edited by C.B. Purdom with commentary and notes. pp. viii. + 206. 8°. London, [U.S.A. printed], 1956.

    Card ID: 75

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    — 19 SO] :i;:G LRA’ rCE O!LV SHAW (George Bernard). Bernard Shaw & Karl Marx: a symposium, 1884—1889. [Articles on Das Kapital by Shaw and P.H.Wicksteed, reprinted from To—day and The national reformer. With an introduction by R.W.Ellis.) pp. ix. ÷ 200. Folded facsimile. 8. New York, 1930. No. 113 of 575 copies. L.C., 1L525.

    Card ID: 84

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). Bernard Shaw’s rbymng picture guide to Ayot Saint Lawrence. pp. 35. Portraits and jllustratjons. 8°. Lutpn, 1950,

    Card ID: 86

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    Yo S52Ta Cou SHAW (George Bernard). [Caesar ax Cleopatra. -Appen&ix.) See COUCUMAN (Gordon w.) This our Caesar: a stujy of Bernard Shaw’s ‘Caesar Bnd Cleopatra’. The Hague and Paris, 1973.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). Catalogue of valuable printed books ncluding many of association interest> and prints, and a few engravings removed froth 4, Whitehall Court, S.W1 and Ayot St.Lawrence, WeJ.wyn and sold by order of G.Bernard Shaw, which will be sold by auction by ILJessrs. Sotheby & Co... the 25th of July, 1949, pp. 24. Portrait and facsimiles. 8°. [London, 1949).

    Card ID: 94

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). Everybociy’s political what’s what? pp.viii. + 380. Portrait. 80. London, 1944. STERL1iG LIT3RARY REFERENCE ONLY L.] — [Another copy;) —[Another edition.) pp.viii. + 380. Portrait. 8°. London, 19I5.

    Card ID: 102

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    Author: SHAW (George Bernard)


    SHAW (George Bernard). The Fasciting foundling: a disgrace to the author. See infra: Translat,ions and tomfooleries. London, 1926. —(Third impression.) London, 1929.

    Card ID: 103