DOTT (Robert lienry) and SHAVER (Robert Harold)
53 Periodicals
DOTT (Robert lienry) and SHAVER (Robert Harold).
Modern and ancient geosyncliria]. sedinientation; roceedinge of a symposium...held at Madison, Winsconsin...1972. Sponsored by the Department of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Winaconain, Madison, and by the National Science Foundation. [By varjQu8 authors,] Edited by R.H. Dott and Robert H. Sh.aver, pp. 380, Illu. and maps.
l’ulaa, 1974.
See UNITh’D STATJS OF A24ERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Society of
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.
Special publication, 19.
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