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SHAKFSPEARE William a:in william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: SHAKFSPEARE (William)


    “(H FG SHAKFSPEARE (William). [King lear. - English ad French.] La Tragdje du roi Lear. Traduction de J.Derocquigriy. (Collection Shakespeare ‘oublie sous la direction de A.Koszul.) pp. xv. + 274. Portrait. O [Paris 1947].

    Card ID: 208

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    Author: ROGERS (Bruce)


    1iI abet Ej , STERLING LIARY - CL6 -f’’ REFERENCE ONLY ROGERS (Bruce). SHAKFSPEaRE (William). LWorks. - 1939]. The Coedies1 hi5tories & tragedies of William Shakespeare. (The text of the First P’, edited and amended where obscure by H.Farjeon. Designed by B.Rogers.) Lirn.ted Editions Club: New York, 1939—1+0.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: No Author available


    TLt4G LERAH ri.. 1 I”-. L.j REFiIECE ONLV SHAKFSPEARE (William). tAppendix.— 2iscejlaneous.J Citation and examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby and Silas Gough, Clerk, before the worshipful Sir Thomas Lucy, Knight, touching deer—stealing on the nineteenth day of September...1582, now first published from original papers. To which is added A conference of Master dmund Spenser...with the Earl of Essex touching the state of Ireland A.D.1595. [By W.S.Landor.] pp.xi.+ 284. 12°. London, 1834. This copy contains two leaves numbered 239-4Q, the first of which, L12was intended to be cancelled by the binder. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 79