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SHAKESPEARE William a:collyer robert|k:collyer (robert) (1209)



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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    ectxce ccL( UNTON James Dronigole)a SHAKESPEARE (William). [vorks.] The International Shakspere. (5. King finery VIII. With... illustrations by Sir J.P.Lintori.) London, 1892.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (william)


    SHAKESPEARE (william). The cards under this heading are arranged in the following order:— Works.] Smaller Collectionsof Plays.] Collected Poems.] Separate Works under subheadings.] Selections and extracts.] Works attributed to Shakespeare.] Concordances and Dictionaries.] Tales From Shakespeare.] will.) Appendix.] For arrangement under this heading see card atbegizning ofse.c..Uon. Fditions of the Works and Plays in the &ig].ish Language oreede translations, and are arranged in order of date.

    Card ID: 2

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    1 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. — 1632.] Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, histories, and tragedies...The second impression. [Continued.] with Shakespeare’s name in the title of Milton’s )pitaph set in roman type and the reading ‘starre-ypointing in l.I.. $.L.C., f15 c’ [Another copy.) CD.—L.L.J -‘e. With William Aspley’s name and address CSEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. — 1664.] Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, histories, and tragedies...The third impression, etc. [Continued.] Third edition, second issue, the first with the 7 additional plays. The additional plays have a separate register and pagination. S.L.C., I.755a. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 10

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. — 1685.] Mr. William Shakespear?s Coiedies, histories, and tragedIes, [Contiiued.3 The flyleaf bearitho Dortr1t nd Jonson’s verse s”To t is monted and triimned and may have beçn splled fror anothe copy. I SEE NE)CT CAR,J

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    ‘FL3r!G URAFY (L3T IO ii SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. — 1709.) The Works of Ur.Williarn Shakespear, etc. [Continus d.T Volume the seventh. Containing Venus & Adonis, Tarquin & Lucrece and his miscellany poems. With critical remarks on his plays, &c. to which is prefix’d an essay on the art, rise and progress of the stage in Greece, Rome and Enland.[by C.Gildon. Edited by SN.]. pp. (16) + lxxii. + 472. Frontispiece. 8°. ron 1710. This volume was a supplement to Rowets edition. C SE IEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 19

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    $3-qJ( SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The 4lorks of Mr.William Shakespeare. In ten volumes. Publish’d by r1r.Pope and Dr.Sewell. 10 vols. .Plates. 12°. Lond, 1728. Vols. 1and 10 belong to the edition published by J. and J.Knapto Vols. 2—9 to the edition published by J.Tonson. Vol. 4 wants the general titlepage.

    Card ID: 23

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    -f -I4 ‘j o,J_,1 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. — I 74’5.] The Works of Shakespear...Carefuliy revised and corrected [by Sir T.Hanmer) by the former editions and adorned with sculptures [after designs y F.flaymanj, etc. 6 vols. 4°. Oxford, 1744, 1743.

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    74 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.— 17+8.J The Works of Shakespear. in nine volumes. With a glossary. [Edited by Sir T.Hannier.] Carefully printed from the Oxford edition in quarto, 1744. Vol. 2. 12°. a P.Knapton: London. - 174w Imperfect wanting Vols. 1, 5—9.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    ‘(H 710 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.) The Works of Shakesear...Co1-iated and correct. by the forzaer editions,by1Ir.Pope. Printed from his second editIon. 8 vols. Frontisoiece. 0 12 . Glasgow,--1706—D7. Each DlaY has a separate tit1epage, pagination — nd register.

    Card ID: 31

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    trr 7flj- a_c- C\& SHAKESPEARE (William). [v:orks.] Bell’s edition of shakespeare’s plays, as they are now performed at the Theatres Royal in London, regulated from the prompt books of each house...With notes critical and illustrative, by the authors of the Dramatic censor Li.e. F.Gentjetnan]. 9 vols. Portrits_nd..,plates. 12. L,cmdon, 1774. tit1e—paz. V e several ulays and theyje_ofpoems have soeciaitie—pa.ges. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    a SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] Bell’s edition of Shakespeare’s plays [Continued.j 1. An essay on oratory. As you like it. Macbeth. Othello. AllTs well that ends well. 2. ierchant of Venice. Romeo & Juliet. King Lear. Cymbeline. Atuch ado about nothln. 3. Measure for measure. King Richard ye ma. Hamlet. Tempest. lLerry wives of Windsor.. 4. Kg. Henry 4th. Part 1st. Kind John. Henry 5th. Henry 8th. K. Henry 4th. Part 2d. 5. TwJ.fth night. Winter tale. Jul. Csar. .or.iol 1 01 Itnens. NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 37