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SHADWELL Thomas a:d john|k:to (john) (10)



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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laurea. The Amorous bigotte, with the second part of Tegue o Diveily; a comedy [in five acts and in prose], acted by Their Majesty’s Servants. Written by T. Shadweil. pp. (6) + 50. [D.—L.L.) 4°. Printed for J. Knaptori London, 1690. Imperfect: wanting leaves A2 and ff2,both of which have been supplied in MS. Bound with Shadwell: The Lancashire witches.

    Card ID: 335

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    iiJ •ii) SHADWELL (Thomas), iate. The History of Tiznon of Athens, the man—hater. As it is acted at the Duke’s Theatre. Made into a play [in five acts, chiefly in verse, altered from Shakespearel. By Tho. Shadwell. pp. (8) + + (2). [D.—L.L. j 410. tnted by J.M. for _LHerringm: nz, i€g38:

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    \ffl ‘ SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. The History of Timon of Athens, the man—hater. Altered [from Shakespeare] by Mr. Shadweil. pp. (8) + 78. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 1736. Bound in a volume lettered: Plays 3.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    SHADWELL (Thomas), rte. The Lancashire witches and Teue o Divelly, the Irish priest: a comedy in five acts and in prose]. Part the first. The amorous bigot, with the second part of Tegue o Divelly: a comedy. Both acted by Their Majesties Servants. Written by T.. Shadwe].1.. pp. (8) + 75 + (1). [D.—L.L.) 4°. Print_fp._Clavel]. J. Robinson . & J. Churchill and J .Kna ton London 191 This does not contain of the work is bound in the same_volume. Pa es 5nd_5j55 ar_çorreçt1y nmbered 58-59 and 2-6res.2ctively. C ed r.t of th imprint being cut

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    - Lo--c l j SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laar eat e. The Royal shepherdess: a tragi-comedy jin ‘i’ve acts and in prose and verse). As it is acted by their Majesties servants. Written by T.Shadwefl. pp. (6) + 62. [D.—L.L.j 4°. Printed for ii.Herringman:. Londan, 1691.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. The Squire of Alsatia, etc. [Continued.J [Microfilm of the copy in the Neiberry Library1 Chicago.] c. ) e [Microfilm of a copy in the Library of the Universjt’ of Illinois, Urbana.] c [Microfilm of a copy in the Librad of Columbia University, !ew York.] [s NEXT CARD.j

    Card ID: 356

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    It SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. The Squire of Alsatia, etc. LContinued.J — -— (Microfilm of the copy in the Library o Yale University.]

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    YJ67 Jef SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. The Squire of Alsatia. See JTAES (1exander Norman). Restoration comedy. [An anthology.] Jdited by A.Norman Jeffares. Vol. 3. pp. 105—222. London and Totowa, N.J., 197+.

    Card ID: 362

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    “(S SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. A True widow: a comedy, acted by the Dukets Servants. [i five acts arid in Drose. 1 (Prologue by Mr. Dryden.) pp. () + 7. i. London, 1679. 1

    Card ID: 364

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    STEWIIG LTDTA?L SQ-cI REFRECE ONLY SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. See DRYDEN (John). [Dramatic Works.- Sin.1e Works.] The Duke of Guise, [Continued.) —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Holy—League, and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into’a seditious libell against the King and his Royal Highness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors [T.Shadweil?] of the Reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called The Duke of Guise. London, 1683.

    Card ID: 366