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SHACESPEARE William a:shakespeare william|k:it (william) (3)
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Author: SHACESPEARE (William)
BACON Socrivr SHACESPEARE (William). [Collected Poems,] The Poems of William Shakspeare. Edited with a tiemoir by R.Beil. pp. (2) + 252. 80. London, i87o].
Card ID: 228
? SHACESPEARE (William). [King Lear.] King Lear: a tragedy, by Shakespeare, as performed at the Theatre—Royal, Drury—Lane. Regulated from the prornpt-book, with permission of the managers, by Mr.Ropkifls, prompter. An introduction, and notes critical and. illustrative, are added by the authors of the Dramatic Censor [i.e. F.Gentlemafll.pP. So. FrntiSpie. 12°. Ldon, 177. prtofVol2 of “Bell’s edition of Stiakespeares Bound in a volume lettered: plays. VU.
Card ID: 187
3 (‘)-\G - • frcc SHACESPEARE (William). (Romeo and Juliet.]. Romeo and Juliet...The second quarto, 1599k A facsimile from the BrItih Museum copy, C 12,g 18, by C.Praetorius. With introduction by M.A.Evans. (Shakspere—Quarto Facsimiles, 26.) pp. viii. + 91. 8°. London, 1886. ] (,cVi)tc [Another copy.] [D.—L.L.] 1j.—Lç,_
Card ID: 193