
Search Term (count):

SEWARD William Henry a:to william|k:it (william) (4)



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    Author: SEWARD (William Henry)


    j33 NFO AP4 SEWARD (William Henry). Life and public services of John Q.uincy Adams, sixth President of the United States. With the eulogy delivered before the Lee,islature of New York. pp. 404. Portrait. 0 8 . Auburn, 1849.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: SEARD (William Henry)


    SEARD (William Henry). William H. Seward’s Travels round the world. Edited by O.R.Seward. With... illustrations. pp. xii. + 730. Folded 0 8 . New York, 1873.

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: IARD (William Henry)


    SEI’IARD (William Henry). William H.Seward: an autobiography.. ,With a F.W.Seward. [Second edition.] (Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State...By F.W.Seward.) 3 vo].s. Portraits. olates and folded map.. 8°. New York, 1891. NT:. E

    Card ID: 29

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    Author: ARD (William Henry)


    33 NEDM Ame Reference only Sk?lARD (William Henry). See AMERICAN SECRETARIES OF STATE. The American Secretarie8 of State and their diplomacy, etc. Vol. 7. pp. 1-115. William II. Seward, Secretary of State, March 5, 1861, to Narch 4, 1869. By i.Teciple. New York, 1928. (A reint.] New York, 1958,

    Card ID: 32