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SERGEANT Lewis a:on lewis|k:0307 (3)
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Author: SERGEANT (Lewis)
h7POSfl C)RV SERGEANT (Lewis). The Franks, from their origin as a confederacy to the establisbment of the Kingdom of France and the German Emprc. . Second edition. (The Story of the Nations, 48.) pp. c.-+ 343. Frontiece, i1jstrjprs,maps ad gee1ogjca1 t8bles. 8°. 1898.
Card ID: 514
*RR Ser SERGEANT (Lewis). Greece in the nineteenth century. a record of Hellenic emancipation and progress, 1821—1897, etc. pp. x. + Li.OO. Portraits, plates and folded map. 80 • indon 1897.
Card ID: 515
DEPOSITORY SERGEANT (Lewis). John Wyclif, last of iie schoolnien and first of the English reformers. (Heroes of the Nations.) pp. ix. + 377. Portraits and ].ates. - 8°. New kork and London, 1908.
Card ID: 516