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SEL Charles in (charles) (2)



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    Author: SEL (Charles)


    iAsSEL (Charles). VIHEELOCK (E.1v.) Man — the tamer of ohaos...V.ith biographieal note by C.Kassel, etc. [Chioao, 1938].

    Card ID: 386

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    Author: No Author available


    lONDON. [III.] Institute of Economic Affairs. Ieadings in political economy. [Continued.) %SeL Ccvi&vkei cs:)r 13. WALTkS (Alan Arthur). Government and land: aoes state control help or hinder? Is town planning necessary? Does land speculation intensify inflation? Is nationalisation the curo?. - - [By] A.A Walters [and others], etc. 1974.(<3 14. ROBBINS (Lionel Charles), Baron Robbins. Inflation: causes, consequences, cures. Discourses on the debate between the monetary and trade union interpretations. [By] lord Robbins [and others), etc. 197k. [SEE (LXT GAI.1J.J

    Card ID: 298