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SEDLEY, Sir Charles
Author: SEDLEY (Sir Charles)
t_j cS ‘1 r SEDLEY (Sir Charles), Bart The Poetical and dramatic works of Sir Charles Sedley. Collected and edited from the old editions, with a preface onthe text, explanatory and textual notes, an appendix containing works of doubtful authenticity, and a bibliography, by Vde Sola Pinto. 2 vols. Portraits. 8 London, 1928.
Card ID: 112
- - SEDLEY (Sir Charles), Bart. Bellamira; or, the Mistress: a comedy. As it is acted by Their Majesties Servants. pp. (8) + 63. 40• London, 1687. Cut by a binder, affecting some of the page numerals. -
Card ID: 116
YJ67 Jef SEDLEY (Sir Charles), Bart. The Xulberry garden. See JFFARES (Alexander Norman). Restoration comedy.EAn anthology.] dited by A.Norman Jeffares. Vol.1. pp. 131—216. London and Totowa, N.J.,1974.
Card ID: 119
‘YL G7M SEDLEY (Sir Charles) Bart. See BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALA.PRAT (Jean), Sieur de Bigot. [Le Grondeur —glish. J The Grumbler: sn adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith [of Sir Charles Sedley’s translation), eto. Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Card ID: 120
SEDLEY (Sir Charles), Bart. - See PINTO (V.iviRnde g,), e E1dei. Sir Charles Sedley, 1639—1701: a study in the life and literature ofthe Restoration. London, 1927.
Card ID: 122