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SECOND Joseph Louis Paul will (paul) (6)
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SECOND, Joseph Louis Paul
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BART, Roland
Author: SECOND (Joseph Louis Paul)
EPOsJI OR’f SECOND (Joseph Louis Paul). Trait de psychologie. pp. 501. Diagrams. 8°. Paris, 1930. ntation copy, siedy t authr.
Card ID: 389
•ie5 SECOND (Joseph Louis Paul). LtEsthétique du sentiment. (1biiothègue de la Revue de Cours et Confrence) pp. xviii. + 154 B. Paris, 1927.
Card ID: 388
Author: No Author available
LAf BILL (Shirley A.) See DI) MOTIER (Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert), Marqis de La Fayette. The Letters of Lafayette to Washington, 1777-1799. Edited by Louis Gottschalk. Second printing, edited and revised by Louis Gottschalk and Shirley A. Bill. Philadelphia, 1976.
Card ID: 75
Author: BART (Roland)
Ass BART (Roland). Exgse et hermneutique. [Proceedings of the second national Congress of the Association Catholique pour 1’tude de la Bible, Chantili.y, 3-7 September, 1969. Contributors: 3 (Roland Barthes, Paul Beauchamp, Henri Bouillard, Joseph Courtes, Edgar EauJ.otte, Xavier Ln-D1zt’our) Louis Mrin, Paul Ricoeur, Antoine Vergote). Paris, 1971. See F1ANCE. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Association Catholiue Française pour l’tude de la Bible.
Card ID: 424
Ass FRANCE • Miscellaneous SubheaiLngs. Association Catholigue Française pour )‘tude de la Bible. Exgse et hermneutique. [Proceedings of the second national Congress of the Association Catio1ig.ue pour l’tude de la Bible, Chantilly, 3-7 September, 1969. Contributors:] (Roland Berthea, Paul Beauchamp, Henri Bouiilard, Joseph Courtes, Edgar Haulotte, Xavier Leon-Dufour, Louis Mann, Paul Ricoeur, Antoine Vergote). (Collection ‘Parole de Dieu’.) pp. 361. Paris, 1971.
Card ID: 5
PHILADELPHIA. American Philosophical Society. Memoirs, etc. [Continued.) 113. FITCH (John). The Autobiography of John Edited with introduction and notes by Frank D. Prager. 1976. 114. STON (Kenneth Meyer). The Papacy and the Levant, 1204—1571, Vol. 1. 1976. See Microfiche Catalogue. 115. Dli MOTIER (Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yvea Gilbert)1 Marquis de La Fayette. The Letters of lafayette to LAF Washington, 1777—1799. Edited by Louis Gottachalk. Second printing, edited and revised by Louis Gottechalk and Shirley A. Bill. 1976. [SEE NEXT CARD.3
Card ID: 236