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SCOTT, j Walter
Author: SCOTT (j Walter)
\‘ 1f% SCOTT (J Walter), Burt. [Poetical Work.f Poetical worlcs...with a biographical and critical memoir by F.T. Paigrave. (The Globe Edition.) pp. xliii. + 559. 0 8 . Loon, i866.
Card ID: 101
3 ‘iti 9(0 oL SCOTT (J Walter), rt. [Poetical Works.I Poetical works, etc. 2 vols, Portraits. 0 8 . London, [1910].
Card ID: 104
SCOTT (J Walter), Bart. [Two or Mole Works.] The Talisman: a tale of the Crusaders, and the Chronicles of the Canongate. (Waverley Novels. Centenary Edition, Vol. 20.) pp. dii. + 433. Frontispiece. 0 8 . Edinbu..rgh, i887. Contents: The Talisman. The Two drovers. My Aunt MargaretTs mi±’ö. The Ta’5estried chamber. Death of the laird’s Jock.
Card ID: 107
SCOTT (J Walter), ?rt. CLettera.) Familiar letters of Sir Walter Scott. [Edited by D.Douglas.] 2 vols. rtrai..t aM facsJJJJJJ. LL.I.] 8°. inburh, 1894 (1895).
Card ID: 108
9io SCOTT (J Walter), Bart. Guy Mannering; or, the Astrologer, etc. ( Fine At Scott, 2..) pp. viii. + Plates. 0 8 . London, [1910].
Card ID: 155
SCOTT (J Walter), Bart. [A Legend of Montrose. [For editions of ‘A Legend of Liontrose” published as Vol. 4 of ?ITales of my landlord. Third series.”:l See infra:[Tales of My Landlord.1
Card ID: 195
ik LSV SCOTT (J Walter), Bart. See HUGHES (Mary A.) Letters and recollections of Sir Walter Scott, London, 1904.
Card ID: 341
Y11 S13a Mar SCOTT (J Walter), Bart. See MARSHALL (David), B.L. Sir Walter Scott and Scots law. Edinburgh and london, 1932.
Card ID: 364