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SCOTT Walter Sidney a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (6)
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SCOTT, Walter Sidney
Author: SCOTT (Walter Sidney)
yx1ç SCOTT (Walter Sidney). The Georgian theatre. [With portraits and illustrations from contemporary sources.] pp. 138. 8°. London, 191t6. [Another cop:,.] Malcolm Morley Collection
Card ID: 412
STERL1i!G LIRARY ‘ cL1’$— i4J EFEEiCE ONLY SCOTT (Walter Sidney). Harriet &. Mary: being the relations between Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and. Thomas Jefferson Hogg as shown in letters between them...Edited by W.S. Scott. pp. 84. Portrait. 8°. Golden Cockerel Press: [I,ondoni, l9L4• No.10 of 500 copies, the first 50 being signed by the editor, 4ecIilly bound and with collotype facsimiles from some ofhe letters. S.L.C., 111.224. ESEE I’TEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 413
cxix, & ‘r ‘j SCOTT (Walter Sidney). New Shelley letters. Abridged from “The Athenianstr, “Harriet nd Mary? and “Shelley a Oxford”, being correspondence of Shelley, Hogg and others.j Edited by W.S.Scott. - pp. 169 ÷ (i). Pprtraitsplte an. £csini1es. 8°. ondon, 1948.
Card ID: 414
STERLING LiERA •- flEFERECE ONL’ r9q’ SCOTT (Walter Sidney). Shelley at Oxford: the early correspondence• of P.B.Sbelley with his friend T.J.Hogg, together with letters of Mary Shelley and T.L. Peacock and a hitherto unpublished prose fragment byShelley. Edited by W.S.Scott. pp. 79. Portraits. 80. Golden Cookerel Press: [London], 1944. No. 14 of 500 copies, the first 50 be sigfled by the editor, specially bound and with a supplement of reprodtions. S.L.C., III. “23.
Card ID: 415
MSQ SCOTT (Walter Sidney). See kiANEP—CI,RY (Jean B.C.) A Journal of the Terror being an account of the occurrences in the Temple during the confinement of Louis XVI., by M. C1ry, the king’s valet—de--cha.mbre. Together with a description o1 the last hours of the king, by the Abbd de Firniont. Edited by S.Scott. London, 1955 [1959].
Card ID: 419
SCOTT (Walter Sidney)0 See WtTItIT (Gilbert), of Selborne. The Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton...dited by W.S.Scott, with notes and appendices, . London, 1950.
Card ID: 421