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SCOTT Sir Walter a:sinclair john|k:to (john) (91)



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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    N’M SL SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [iLwo or more works.] The slack dwarf and .aegend of Nontrose, (The Fine Art Scott, 6.) pp. viii. + 356. Plates. 8°. London, [1910].

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [Letters.] Some unpublished letters of Sir Vilter Scott, from the collection in the Brotherton Library. Compiled [with a bibliography] by J. A. Symington. (Brotborton Library Publications.) pp. xix. ÷194. 1’otrait, pilate and facsimiles. 4. Oxford, l952.

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [Journal.] 91 The Journal of Sir Walter Scott...The text revised from a photostat in the National Library ofScotiand [by J.G.Tait thd W.M. Parker]. 3 vols. Facsimiles. 80 Edinburgh aiid London, 1939_46. 1. 1825—26; 1939. 2. 1827—28. 1941. 3. 1829—32. 1946.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    YM S43E 842 I SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. j ?iaverley novels. [Continued.] 8. Quentin Durward. St. Ronan’s well. 9. Redgauiitlet. The Betrothed. The Ta1iman. 10. Woodetoek. Chroniclee of the Canongate. 11. The Fair maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein. 12. Count Robert of Pari3. Castle Dangerous. My Aunt Margaret’s mirror.

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    ,D:A- SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. Wa.verLey Novels. 48 vole. Frontispieces. 8. Edinburgh and. London, 4848—49.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter))


    2/&i ‘M SCOTT (Sir Walter)) Bart. ?(averley novelo. (With introductory essay and notes by A. Lang.) (Iharge type Border Edition.) 25 vole. Plates. 80. don, 1923—32. 1. Waverley. 2. Giy Mannering, 3. The Antiquary. 4. Rob Roy. 5. Old Lortality. 6. The :eartof Midlothian. 7. A Legend or Montrose, and the Black dwarf. 8. The Bride of Lainmermoor. 9. Ivanhoe. 10. The Monastery. CSee next card]

    Card ID: 117

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. Vlaverley novels. [COIcTII1IJED]:- 11. The Abbot. 12. Kenilworth. 13. The Pirate. 14. The Fortunes oI’ Nigel. lö, Peveril of the Peak. 16. Q,uentin Durward. 17. St. Ronan’s well. 18, Redgauntlet. 19. The Betrothed.. 20. Anne of Geierstein. 21. Wooö..stock. 22. The Fair maid of Perth. 23. Count Robert of Paris, and. The Surgeon’s daughter. [See next card.]

    Card ID: 118

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    : ! \ ‘ SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [Waverley NoveiG.— Appendix.] See GREY (Henry), Secretary to the Stockwell oprietary Grammar School. A Key to the Waverley novels in chronological sequence, with index of the principal characters, etc. — London, 1899.

    Card ID: 123

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    ‘1 19 SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [Waverley Novels. 4ppendix.] See WELSH (Alexander). The Hero of the Waverley novels. New Haven and London, 1963.

    Card ID: 125

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    U?l3 LTF!ikFI rCZ OX SCOTT (Sir Walter), Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the mist. By the author of “Waverley,” &c. [i.e. Sir Walter Scott.] Edinburgh and Londo, 1829. See ANNE, of Geierstein.

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. Anne of Gelerstein; or The Maiden of the mist. (Everyman’s Library.5 pp. x. + L.75. 16°. London and New York, [1907).

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: SCOTT (Sir Walter)


    STELi!: tP EFEEr 120 G SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. [The Antiquary.) The Antiquary. By the author of Waverley and Guy Mannering. Edinbur and London, 1816. See ANTIQUARY.

    Card ID: 131