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SCHOOLING John bit a:john john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: SCHOOLING (John bit)


    I, fei’au€ OM SCHOOLING (John bit). “Francis Bacon’s bi—literal cypher”: a report...upon the application by Mrs.E.W.Gallup of Lord Bacon’s bi—litera]. cipher to the works mentioned in the above voluize for t he purpose of testing the validity .of ?trs.E.W.Oallup’ s statements contained in her book. [An extract from the Pall Mall Magazine, :1902.1 pp. 484—489. Facsimiles. 80.1 London, .19021. Catalogued from the caption. Bound in a volume lettered: Shakespeare-Bacon Controvers3

    Card ID: 498