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SCHILLH Johann Christoph Friedrich von an (johann friedrich) (1)
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SCHILLH, Johann Christoph Friedrich von
Author: SCHILLH (Johann Christoph Friedrich von)
• - 3 SCHILLH (Johann Christoph Friedrich von). [Works.-glish. The Works of Frederick Schiller...Translated from the German. (ohn’s StandBr Library.) 5 vols. Portraits and plates. 8°. Londn, 1871—74. 1. History of the Thirty Years’ VYar,complete. History of the revolt of the Netherlands to the Confederacy of the Gueux. 1871. 2. History of the revolt of the Netherlands, oontinued.— Trials of Counts Egrnont and Horn[translated by A.J.W. Morrison). Wallenstein[translated by J.Churchill, S.T. Coleridge)and Wilhelm Tell. • .Translated.. .[by T. 1artin). 1871. [SEE CARD.)
Card ID: 482