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SCHERER Edmond Henri Adoiphe a:e edmond|k:e (or) (4)
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SCHERER, Edmond Henri Adoiphe
Author: SCHERER (Edmond Henri Adoiphe)
C & SCHERER (Edmond Henri Adoiphe). Essays or English literature...Translated [from Etudes sur la littérature contemporaine. by G.Saintsbury. pp. xxxvi. + 272. 8°. London, 1891.
Card ID: 81
DEPOSITORY SCHERER (Edmond Henri Adoiphe). Etudes sur la littérature conteiaporaine. 10 vois in 5. 8°. Paris, 1885-95.
Card ID: 83
SCHERER (Edmond Henri Adoiphe). Theological conversations. - The rrata of the New Pestament...tranalated by Dr. Davison. — What the Bible is...translated. by Dr. Davison. - The Iirac1es of Jesus Ohrist. See BE..43D (J.R.) The Progress of religious thought. etc. pp. 202-342. London and Boston [Mass.,) 1661.
Card ID: 86
I2\ SCHERER (Edmond Henri Adoiphe). § SEILLIRE (Ernest). Romanti sme et dmocrati e romantique. (Critue de l’oeuvre d’Edmond Seherer.) 1930.
Card ID: 89