
Search Term (count):

SCHAFF Philip a:j john|k:to (john) (7)



  • card

    Author: SCHAFF (Philip)


    SCHAFF (Philip). ugust Nerider: Erinnerungen...Iit elneni Bildni5. [With a bibliography.] pp. vi. + (2) + 76. 8°. Gotha, i886. Bound in a volume lettered: istoriea1rngaphs.

    Card ID: 17

  • card

    Author: SCHAFF (Philip)


    SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of the Nicene and post—Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. Edited by ?.Schff. Vol. 1, . [This series is fully catalogued under the separate authors.) —, 1—8. AUGUSTINE, Saint 3ishop of Mipoo. Lo or ore works. - j 9—14. JOHN, Crysostom_5nt, atriã’ch of Constantinop. Iworks.— English.] q

    Card ID: 21

  • card

    Author: SCHAFF (Philip)


    SCHAFF (Philip). See GLADSTONE (Rt. Hen. W • E,) The Vatican decrees in their bearing on oivi allegiance...To which are added:- a his— tory of the Vatican Council. . .By P.Schaff, etc. New York, 1875.

    Card ID: 25

  • card

    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of and SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers..A new series,etc. 7. S. Cyril of Jerusalem: (the Catechetical lectures...With a revised translation, introduction, notes, and iiiclices, by E.H.Gifford.)S. Gregory Nazianzen: (select orations...translated by C.G.Browne and J.E.Swaliow.— Select letters.)[With lists of the authors1 works.] pp. lx. + 498. 8°. GradRapids, 1955.

    Card ID: 154

  • card

    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene cand post—Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. A new series. Translated into English, with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of H.Wace and P.SchaiT, 14 vols. 8°. Oxford and e•York (Grand 1apid), 1890—1956. Vols. 2578.1O—l4, are reprints. [.SEE: NEXT CARD. j

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip)


    2’ WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers... A new series, 2. Socrates (The ecclesiastical history...Revised with notes, by A.C.Zenos). Sozomenus (The ecclesiastical history...comprising a history of the Church from A.]). 325 to A.D. 425. Translated from the Greek. Revised by C.D.Hart— ranft), etc. [With bibliographies.] pp. xxv. +454. 8°. Grand Rapids, 1952.

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, arid SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, arid SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, 1.2. Leo the Great (letters and sermons...Trans— lated, with introduction, notes and indices, by C.L.Feltoe.) Gregory the Great: (The book of pastoral rule and selected epistles.. .Translated, with introduction, notes, and indices by J.Barniby.) [with a bibliography.) pp. xv. ÷ 251. Table. 8°. and flapids, 1956.

    Card ID: 157