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SCHAFF Philip a:as john|k:to (john) (4)
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SCHAFF, Philip
SEVERUS, Sulpicius
GIBSON, Edgar Charles Sumner
Author: SCHAFF (Philip)
SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of the Nicene and post—Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. Edited by ?.Schff. Vol. 1, . [This series is fully catalogued under the separate authors.) —, 1—8. AUGUSTINE, Saint 3ishop of Mipoo. Lo or ore works. - j 9—14. JOHN, Crysostom_5nt, atriã’ch of Constantinop. Iworks.— English.] q
Card ID: 21
Author: CASSIANUS (Joannes)
CIC ZL CASSIANUS (Joannes), Erernit. The Works of John Cassian. Tànslated, with prolegornena, prefaces, and. notes, by E.C.SGibson. WACE (Benry), Dean Canterb, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, . 11. Sulpitius Severus; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian. Grand Rapids, 1955.
Card ID: 268
Author: SEVERUS (Sulpicius)
a9c2C) SEVERUS (Sulpicius). [English.J The Works of Sulpitius Severus. Translated, with preface and notes, by A.Roberts. See WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, ii’. Sulpitius Severus; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian. Grand Rapids, 1955.
Card ID: 588
Author: GIBSON (Edgar Charles Sumner)
GIBSON (Edgar Charles Sumner), Bishop of Gloucester. WACE (Henry), Dean Canterbuy, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, 11. Sulpitius Severus. (Translated by AJloberts) Vincent of Lrins.(Translated by C.A.Heurtley.) John Cassian: (the works ....Translated, with prolegomena, preface and notes, by EC.$.Gibson.) Grand Rpid, 1955.
Card ID: 33