
Search Term (count):

SAXE Maurice de a:is maurice|k:on (maurice) (4)



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    Author: SAXE (Maurice de)


    SAXE (Maurice de), Coun Marshal of Prance. •2fl flfl fl S HA1JRi,, of axony, Count, Marahal of France.

    Card ID: 499

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    Author: ON (Hubert)


    CAhON (Hubert). Maurice- de Saxe, rnarcha1 de France, etc. Lwith a short bibliography. j pp. vi. + 156. Portrait and folded maps. 6 8. Paris, l93l.

    Card ID: 300

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    Author: No Author available


    NAURIC , of Saxony, Counts Marshal of Franet. THORNTON (Leslie Heber). Campaigners, grave & gay: studies of four soldiers of the eiflteenth and nineteenth centuries, (Maurice de Saxe, its..) Cambridg&, 1925.

    Card ID: 429

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    Author: THORNTON (Leslie Lieber)


    THORNTON (Leslie Lieber). Canipaigners, grave & gay: studies of four soldiers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (Maurice de Saxe, Sir R.R.Gillespie, Lord Peterborough, J.I.I4rolfe). [With bibliographies.] pp. vi. + (2) + 323. Maps. 0 8 . Canibrj.dge, 1925.

    Card ID: 42