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SAWIN Paul Baldwin a:on paul|k:will (paul) (3)
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SAWIN, Paul Baldwin
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Author: SAWIN (Paul Baldwin)
SAWIN (Paul Baldwin). Albino e.llelomorphs of the rabbit with soecial reference to blue—eyed chinchilla and its variations. $ee C3TI.E (. E.) Contributions to the genetics of the domestic rabbit. LByJ IV. . Gu.stle and P. .8. Sawin. dashinçton, 1932.
Card ID: 453
Author: No Author available
Z&L .LLJA.v. IcIt!. SAWIN (Paul Baldwin). See McNtITT (OW.) and SAWIN (Paul B.) Hereditary variations in the vena cava inferior of the rabbit. [Providence. n.I.] 1943.
Card ID: 454
T4.j1. MoNUTT (C.W.) and SAWIN (Paul Baldwin). Hereditary variations in the vena oava inferior of the rabbit. Cwitn a bibliograpby.J (Submitted [by C.W.McNuttl in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at grown University, October, 1941. Reprinted from The Americari Journal of Anatomy, Vol. 72, No. 2, March, 1943.) pp. 259-289. Plate, diagrams and tables. 80.. [Providence. R.IJ, 1943. Catalogued from the capion. The plate is in1uded in the pagination.
Card ID: 190