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SAVILE George a:savile george|k:savile (george) (9)



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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), 14arguis of Halifax. Cautions to those who are to chase Members to serve in Parliament. London, 1713k § ENGLRND. Parliament. House of Commons. Addresses to Electors. [1695.] Some cautions offered to the consideration of those who are to chase members to serve in the ensuing Parliament.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), Marquis of Halifax. A Letter to a Dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late gracious Declaration of Indulgence. [Signed t. By G.Saile, klarquis of flalifax.] London, 1704. ., T•

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), Marriuis of Halifax. A Letter to a Dissenter, jt. See W., T. A Letter to a Dissenter, etc. An Answer to a Letter to a Dissenter, upon occasion of his Majesties late gracious Declaration of Indulgence. [By Sir R.L’Estrange.] London, 1687.

    Card ID: 290

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George). Llarquisof Halifax. A Letter to a Dissenter, fl. — A becond letter to a Dissenter ipon occasion of his Majesties late gracious Declaration of Indulgence. [By G.Savile, !arquis of Halifax.] London, i687.- Vl., T. A Letter to a Dissenter,

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), Marguess of Halifax. Letters to a dissenter. See SAINTSERY (G.E. B.) Political pamphlets, etc. pp. 1—22. London, 1892.

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), Marquis of Halifax. Observations upon a late libel, called A letter from a person of quality to his friend, concerning the King’s Declaration, &c. [Attributed to George Savile, Marquis of Halifax.] Edited, with an introduction and bibliography by H.Macdonald. Cambridg, 1940. ENGLAND. [Miscellaneous Public Documents, etc. Chronological Series. Charles ii.T’ His Majesties Declaration to all his loving subjects, etc. [8th April, i68i.1 A Tt1r fr a person of quality, etc.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), k4arctuis of Halifax. Some cautions offered to the consideration of those who are to chtzse members to serve in the ensuing Parliament. [Continu.e.d:.j —[Another edition1] Cautions to those who are to chuse members to serve in Parliament, etc. London, 1713. ENGLAND. Parliament. House of Commons. Addresses toElêctors 1695.

    Card ID: 296

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    4 SAVILE (George), Marquis of Halifax. HUOftES (Cecilia E.) Tendencies of 17th century thought as exhibited in the writings of Lord Ha1ifc 1932.

    Card ID: 299

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    Author: SAVILE (George)


    SAVILE (George), Margu.isof Ralifax. See RALEIGH (Sir Walter A.), Professor of iglish Literature. Some authors: a collection of literary essays, etc. pp. l7L—l9L1. Oxfor3, 1923.

    Card ID: 300